
Author: Michael Babienco

December 2022

“I don’t understand why no one will take this cat!” I complained to Caitlyn as another person canceled their adoption plans.

Momo—scrawny, malnourished, and ever so loving—had shown up recently on our back porch. He was a beautiful cat: big, blue-green eyes; gray, striped fur; and adorable little paws. We couldn’t have pets at our rental, so we gave the cat a temporary home in my grandparent’s garage. Try as we might, we could not find someone to adopt Momo.

Several weeks later, Caitlyn and I went to my grandparent’s home for our twice-daily routine of feeding Momo. The door to the backyard was open when we arrived, so I went to see who was there. There was my grandfather—lying on the ground with blood streaming down his forehead, face and arm. He had fallen moments before and was struggling to stand up.

We called my aunt, who was inside helping my grandmother, to assist us while we dialed 9-1-1. As the paramedics arrived and whisked my grandfather off for some stitches and otherwise positive checkups, the reason for Momo’s delayed adoption became clear: we would never have come had it not been for Momo. We had arrived at just the right time.
Two thousand years ago, Jesus came to this earth. He became like one of us, ministered to our needs, and pointed us to His Father. Dying for our sins, He saved us all from our fall—just at the right time.

The Japanese need to hear the gospel before Jesus’s soon return. The right time to go and share with them is now. Japan has just eased its border and travel restrictions that have been in place since the pandemic began. To launch to Japan, we need your help to meet all of our fundraising goals. Will you prayerfully consider joining us in the journey to reach Japan for Christ?