Babienco Missions

Stories and Updates from Michael and Caitlyn's mission service to Japan

Travel, Travel, Everywhere!

One of the highlights of being a missionary and on a recruiter team is traveling and sharing with many people about the needs, joys, and struggles of modern-day mission work. Over the last six weekends, we have only been at home for a full weekend once! Travel is tiring, but it brings great blessings with it. Here’s a short spotlight on what mission awareness raising and support team building have looked like for us over the last six weeks.
Our view for many, many hours the last 6 weeks
August 26-28: Wilmington SDA Church — Wilmington, OH

Due to a typo when looking up the church name online, we almost ended up at the wrong church (in Columbus, Ohio) rather than Wilmington, Ohio. But we made it, spending a lovely weekend in southwest Ohio near where Michael grew up. We spoke at the Wilmington SDA Church on Sabbath, then spent Sabbath evening and Sunday morning with Michael’s parents and family before heading back to Michigan.

September 2-4: Pittsburgh SDA Church — Pittsburgh, PA

Early Friday afternoon on September 2, we headed for a long drive to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to speak for the church’s international Sabbath. We stayed in the church’s parsonage nearby, which was a huge blessing. On Sunday morning, we had breakfast with two former AFM missionaries to Papua New Guinea, swapping mission and training stories and having a wonderful time in fellowship.

September 8-12: Advent Hope Vespers — Loma Linda, CA

A last-minute addition to the schedule, we flew out to California with AFM’s president to visit donors in Loma Linda, California, and speak during Advent Hope’s vespers program on Sabbath evening. We reconnected with good friends from college on this trip, as well as Michael’s extended family.
Us with Jacob W and Alissa T, good friends from Southern Adventist University.
Me and Caitlyn with my Grandpa Ivan Blazen and Grandma Deanna.
September 17: Home for Sabbath! — Berrien Springs, MI

Ah, home for a Sabbath at last. We enjoyed attending our home church and helping with Sabbath School — Michael in Cradle Roll/Kindergarten and Caitlyn in Primary/Juniors. We also helped lead song service during church, and Michael told the children’s story. So, we still had a lot going on.

September 18-25: Southern Adventist University — Collegedale, TN

This trip was to recruit student missionaries from Southern for AFM. While in Collegedale, we met with friends and visited Caitlyn’s family. Michael even ended up teaching two college classes in the computer science department that week—an unexpected bit of fun in an otherwise busy week.
Both Jared (far left) and Serena have served at the Pnong project in Cambodia where Michael served. Jared is going back to serve for a third year!
October 1-2: Home for a full weekend rest — Berrien Springs, MI

And now, we are finally back home, recuperating from a busy six weeks of adventure. On September 29, we celebrated our three-year marriage anniversary by going to a Japanese garden in Mishawaka, Indiana, eating at a phenomenal vegan restaurant in South Bend, Indiana, and ending the day with some good-ol’ ice cream. It’s been a little crazy for us both, but we are so thankful for God’s protection in our travel, the many people we have connected with, and the new friends we have made.
A picture of us from the Japanese Garden we visited. It was a beautiful day outside.
What’s next for us? Oh, another trip to the Southern Adventist University area from October 9-16!
Upcoming Speaking Appointments
We currently do not have any appointments. Would you like us to come and speak for your church service or vespers and share about missions, tell mission stories, and talk about the needs of the unreached? Please let us know
Praises & Prayer Requests
  • We are praising God for many safe trips, new friends, and refreshed friendships!
  • We have both continued learning much about the Japanese language, culture, and religion from various sources.
  • We are still praying to attend training next year and launch to Japan next fall (2023).
  • Japan is re-opening on October 11th, making travel much easier!
We would love to hear back from you. Always feel free to reach out, ask questions or just let us know how you are doing. You can also give us a call or text at ***.***.****. We would be happy to pray for any requests you might have.

Thanks so much for your support!
Michael & Caitlyn Babienco
Volunteer Missionary Candidates
Adventist Frontier Missions